Sleimok ex






Allgemeine Informationen

Set Identifikator 96

Selten Pokémon

Illustriert von Hikaru Koike

Aus dem EX EX Drache Set

Sleimok ex Informationen

Nationaler Pokédex Nr. 89

100 HP

Pflanze Typ Karte

EX Pokémon

Sleimok ex Fähigkeit

Toxic Gas

Poké-BODY: As long as Muk is your active Pokémon, ignore all Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies other than Toxic Gas.

Sleimok ex Angriffe

Poison Breath - 10

The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned

Slimy Water - 40+

Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy in the Defending Pokémon's Retreat Cost (after applying effects to the Retreat Cost).