Team Magmas Lepumentas






Allgemeine Informationen

Set Identifikator 8

Selten Pokémon

Illustriert von Zu-Ka

Aus dem EX EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua Set

Team Magmas Lepumentas Informationen

Nationaler Pokédex Nr. 344

80 HP

Psycho undUnlicht Typ Karte

Rang 1 Pokémon

Team Magmas Lepumentas Fähigkeit

Magma Switch

Poké-POWER: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move an Energy card attached to your Pokémon with Team Magma in its name to another of your Pokémon. This power can't be used if Team Magma's Claydol is affected by a Special Condition.

Team Magmas Lepumentas Angriffe

Dark Hand - 40+

If you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage.